Discovering xFARM

Community Organizer
2 min readOct 27, 2020


With the advent of new decentralized finance technologies and xFUND, the foundation has released a system designed to incentivize the xFUND ecosystem.

xFARM is a system that lets you stake xFUND LP (liquidity token) and then farm more xFUND

While the majority are independent validators, the foundation still controls a fair portion of the nodes that produce xFUND and want to get this xFUND into full circulation. This is what we have done

1 — we have harvested xFUND from our house controlled nodes and put them into a “bucket.”

2 — This bucket will feed the xFARM, which will yield 100 xFUND over the course of 14 days in its starting engagement. So about 7+ xFUND per day to be dripped proportionally among all stakers of the eth/xFUND LP token (more shortly on this). It is important to note that this 14 days/ 100 xFUND is an intro period and likely will be extended (indefinitely maybe?) with us reloading the farm as we collect more xfUND

Now for the “how-to”

First, you will need to “add liquidity” to the Uniswap LP. To do this, you need xFUND and ETH. you will need to add them in equal parts. To get xFUND you can acquire it off of Uniswap or be a validator and maintain and node.

WARNING: If you decide to get xFUND off Uniswap, then be aware there are “fake” xFUND pairs on there (searching for it may result in a fake one)

Only use this link:

Once you have some xFUND, click the “add liquidity” button in the top right and approve. Please note the system will pair an equal amount of ETH at market price.

Also note, you should be aware of how “adding liquidity” works and the inherent risks and realities. Ie. If the price of xFUND goes up, it will sell off your xFUND and give you more eth, but if it goes down, then it will be the inverse effect.

After this is done, you can look in your etherscan and you should have a new token in there that magically appeared called “UNI-V2” when you have this simply go to

  • , connect your metamask on desktop (sorry at the moment only metamask and desktop)
  • Approve xFUND
  • Stake (click max)
  • Then periodically come back and “Harvest” or if you want to exit, then reverse the process, which will include going back to uniswap after you unstake and removing the liquidity.

That is all. It is a new process and may take some time to understand, but we are here to help in the telegram.

xFUND Pair —

xFUND farm contract —

FUND Telegram —

xFUND information portal —


